People are trying to put cars on JFK to destroy Kid Safe JFK. Help save it now!

The City has released the potential options for JFK moving forward:

  1. Existing Car-Free Route” — Kid Safe & Car-Free, as it’s been since April 2020

  2. Private Vehicle Access” — car noise, exhaust, and danger throughout JFK

The City’s official survey closes tonight, and you can complete it less than 3 minutes!

The three most-important questions:

  • #13 Existing Car-Free Route Option = Very Desirable 👶❤️👍

  • #15 Private Vehicle Access Loop Option = Very Undesirable 🚘☠️👎

  • #17 Car-Free West End Option = Very Desirable 👶❤️👍

If you want help completing the survey, you can view our full voting guide here.

Here’s how you can help now:


View our voting guide (and share it)


Take the survey (takes less than 5 minutes)


Email city leaders (takes less 5 seconds)

Additional ways to help:

Sign our petition (and get a free sign)

Donate to our support advocacy efforts

Volunteer to help with our advocacy efforts

The latest with JFK and Golden Gate Park

SFMTA and RPD have presented three options for JFK, only two of which are being seriously considered:

  1. ‘Existing Car-Free Route’ (aka Kid Safe JFK) 👶🏼❤️👧🏾

  2. ‘Private Vehicle Access Loop’ 🚗 ☠️ 🚙

The ‘Private Vehicle Access Loop’ option would allow private vehicles to cut through the park, using more than 50% of Kid Safe JFK as a freeway and parking lot, adding noiseexhaust, and danger to a place that is currently peaceful, clean, and safe.

The ‘Private Vehicle Access Loop’ has been pushed by museums trustees and lobbyists for over a year in backroom meetings with elected officials, in an effort to secure more free parking for their employees rather than pay them a fair wage with good parking benefits in the museum garage that museum insiders control.

The ‘Existing Car-Free Route’ is beloved by people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds — people have told us loud and clear that they love Kid Safe JFK and want it to stay is as, with no private-car cut through, parking lot, or harmful noise and air pollution in our world-renowned park.

You are needed more than ever — do the following to help save Kid Safe JFK:


View our voting guide (and share it)


Take the survey (takes less than 5 minutes)


Email city leaders (takes less 5 seconds)


Sign our petition (and get a free sign)


Donate to our support advocacy efforts


Volunteer to help with our advocacy efforts